Groundbreaking Scientific Results Show that the Proposition of Human Medical Biostasis has Potential and Needs to be Brought into Mainstream Scientific and Medical Focus

March 13, 2018 - A technology developed by 21st Century Medicine has been independently verified to enable near-perfect, long-term structural preservation of a large mammalian (pig) brain. This new breakthrough just won the Brain Preservation Prize – eight years after it was launched by the Brain Preservation Foundation (BPF). This is a truly groundbreaking result. It puts the proposition of human medical biostasis as a way to save humans who otherwise would die within the realm of what may be possible in the foreseeable future.

“Imagine being able to save, and at low temperatures, indefinitely preserve people who can no longer be sustained by contemporary medicine so that future medicine can both revive them and restore their health – these results provide support of that being possible.” — Dr. de Magalhães, UK Cryonics and Cryopreservation Research Network

In addition to proof of this accomplishment and the full 21st Century Medicine “Aldehyde-Stabilized Cryopreservation” protocol recently being published in the journal Cryobiology, it was also independently verified by the BPF through extensive electron microscopic examination (figure below).

The prize was independently judged by neuroscientists Dr. Sebastian Seung, Professor at Princeton University, and Dr. Kenneth Hayworth, President of the BPF.

“One of the, if not THE, most important scientific results in the history of medical biostasis and cryonics has been accomplished.” — Aschwin de Wolf, President, The Institute for Evidence-Based Cryonics

This follows recent scientific evidence that long-term memory is not modified by the process of whole organism cryopreservation and revival in simple animal models.

As the two leading think-tanks/scientific networks in cryonics we share here a brief with our perspectives on what this important breakthrough means and - does not mean - for cryonics.